Saturday, November 10, 2007

This is Metal.........For Fish!

Adult Swim's Metalocalypse debuted last year, and is now in it's second season. I wasn't wild about Home Movies, Brendon Small's previous show, but Metalocalypse speaks to me right where I live. The story of Dethklok, a wildly successful band, and the "12th largest economy in the world.....and growing", and their wacky misadventures. One
episode revolves around the band's singer, Nathan Explosion, after wiping their 16th attempt at a new record for "not being brutal enough", decides that they will record in the heaviest place on Earth.....the Marianas Trennnnnnnccchhhhh! I picked up the first season on DVD, and love this show. It's a wee bit funnier if you get all the obscure metal references, but it's not exclusionist by any stretch of the imagination.

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