Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

In the interest of the holiday spirit this year, my household decided to make a manger scene. Sooooo, here it is!

Here's the center....

Here are the wisemen......

And here are the shepherds......

A guide for the geek-challenged:

-The Angel is portrayed by Hawkman, DC Comic's winged warrior.
-Mary and Joseph are played by Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from the X-Files
-The Baby Jesus is Slimer, from Ghostbusters
-The Three Wisemen are Yoda from Star Wars, Jareth from the movie Labyrinth, and Dr. Strange, Marvel's Sorcerer Supreme
-The Shepherds are The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who, and Wesley Wyndham-Pryce from the TV show Angel
-The "Little Drummer Boy" is Lorne, from the aforementioned Angel
-The animals are R2-D2 from Star Wars, a Dalek, from Doctor Who, "Cat" from the comic Transmetropolitan, Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II from The Simpsons, and a cow from an old Richard SCarry farm playset.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

This is Metal.........For Fish!

Adult Swim's Metalocalypse debuted last year, and is now in it's second season. I wasn't wild about Home Movies, Brendon Small's previous show, but Metalocalypse speaks to me right where I live. The story of Dethklok, a wildly successful band, and the "12th largest economy in the world.....and growing", and their wacky misadventures. One
episode revolves around the band's singer, Nathan Explosion, after wiping their 16th attempt at a new record for "not being brutal enough", decides that they will record in the heaviest place on Earth.....the Marianas Trennnnnnnccchhhhh! I picked up the first season on DVD, and love this show. It's a wee bit funnier if you get all the obscure metal references, but it's not exclusionist by any stretch of the imagination.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tom Crooze Stunt Double

It's been almost a year since I've updated this blog? Time for a post, but I'll give Booster Gold and his excellent new ongoing series a rest....for now.....

The trailer for Valkyrie went up today, and Dear Lord, does it look terrible. I can't buy a period piece with people playing Germans not speaking like Germans. It looks like the first chink in Bryan Singer's armor is forthcoming in the summer of 2008......

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Supernova IS........

.......Booster Gold. How did I guess?

"Superman being out of the picture is of two keys if you want to get cute about it."
Ralph Dibny telling Supernova this a few issues of 52 ago was what made me first suspect that Booster was Supernova. After all, there are no heroes that get Superman's goat like Booster Gold, as seen in Dan Jurgen's original Booster Gold ongoing series. The second key, which I didn't catch on to, was the Phantom Zone projector that Rip Hunter and Booster used, which Superman would have recognized in a heartbeat.

"Cassie, you said her name was?"
For Supernova to not know Wonder Girl, he needed to be on the fringe of the DCU.

"I can barely understand you when you're not linear!"
This was the clincher for me. This meant that Supernova wasn't that bright, which certainly matches Booster's description. This also eliminated Ray Palmer as a suspect.

And welcome back, Animal Man! We missed you, even though you were only dead for a week.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Or is Supernova.......

...Ray Palmer, The Atom? Preview pages seem to leave little doubt, but maybe Booster has his belt?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Who is Ronin of the New Avengers now?

Christ on a bicycle, stupid do you think we are? It's Captain America. Or MAYBE Hawkeye. Or MAYBE Daredevil. Or MAYBE Tony Stark......

Monday, January 08, 2007

Supernova.......... Booster Gold. After last week's Penance reveal, I realized that I should have posted my prediction that the former Speedball would lose his shit after the events of Civil War. So, hope I'm right about Supernova, cause I want the bragging rights.