Friday, April 14, 2006

V for Vendetta Addendum

I re-read V for Vendetta on my lunch break yesterday, and have a few more thoughts. One is that I really miss the "body parts of England" element in the film (The Fingers, The Eyes, The Voice, etc). Another problem is that they suck the guts out of Evey. They don't drive home in the film how desperate and frightened she's become as a result of living under the regime in the novel, and how much stronger she is at the end of the story. I don't like how she betrays V, instead of him setting up her extrangement from him before he puts her through what he experienced at the concentration camp. And the filmmakers lose big, big points for not showing just how bigoted and racist the government is. Gays and Muslims are one thing, but the film would have been much stronger if they had shown that the blacks, dissidents, and other minorities were now persona not grata. Plus, they didn't really drive home the point that art, all art, was banned. This makes it much harder for people to sympathesize with V, and weakens the film considerably. My new score is 5 out of 10 sticks of dynamite, or 4 out of 22.

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